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Promotions Objective

Step 1, Step 2, Step 3

We set the objective of promotions based on your needs.

Planning & Organizing 

We plan the promotional campaign to suit your needs. 

Promotional Offers & Discount

Promotional discounts will be designed and proposed to you.

Discount & Agreement Acceptance

Step 4, Step 5, Step 6

A contract will be signed with promotional offers.

Developing Promotional Kit

Coupons & vouchers will be designed and printed once you approved.

Activating Promotional Campaign

Sales team will start reaching your targeted audiences with promotional kit. 

A simple approach is developed to analyze the promotions to assess the impact in terms of customer’s traffic volume and profitability. A successful sales promotion requires a mixture of the right objectives and tactics, and each one should be evaluated carefully. 

Evaluation of Sales Promotional Campaign

Traffic Generator

The objective is to achieve large gains in customer’s traffic volume. We take a look at your post promotion data to see where your marketing efforts paid off and where you have room to improve.

Traffic Quality

We determine whether your promotional efforts were properly targeted. Reference your sales data to see if you attracted new customers, increased sales frequency or volume, or saw a boost in repeat business.

Customer Satisfaction

We evaluate overall customer satisfaction to determine if your promotional efforts were appealing and enticing people to visit again and again. We use data compiled from follow-up surveys and customer feedback forms.

Overall Awareness

We evaluate overall hotel awareness post promotion. We repeat the efforts that garnered the most positive response and eliminate or adjust those that failed to please the customers.

The Classic Method to Create Differentiation

Addmania launch your promotional campaign to engage your customers with your business in a new way, this sets you apart from your competition.  Our promotional planning compels your customers to identify something new or different in your hotel and restaurants that offers great value and savings

Communication Opportunities

Addmania’s Face-to-face personalize communication is the way to create new content for your customers is to create demand.

Upsell Opportunities

When you promotional package around a theme or dining solution, you can often generate sales of multiple items rather than a single item. We focus on creating added value to your regular assortment.

Word-Of-Mouth Marketing

Addmania’s Promotional campaign can often get your regular customers a new reason to be surprised and delighted by your F&B business which gets them to talk about you to their friends and peer group.

Staff Training Opportunities

Our promotional activities give you a chance to train, prepare and reengage your staffs in dealing any tough situation.



Reestablish A Lost Connection

Our promotional marketing is an excellent way to reestablish relationships and reactivate relationships with customers. It shows that you care about their experience and that you’re willing to go the extra mile to make them feel appreciated.

Great Way To Create Goodwill

A well-planned and interesting promotional program for your hotel and restaurants create a positive impression and lasting goodwill.

Digital Marketing Strategy

Why is marketing (digital & personalize) important for restaurants?

Smart advertising includes online and offline helps develop your good reputation and reach customers who otherwise might never hear of you. It helps in announcement of new menu items, promotional discounts and special events.


Brand Presence

Website & SEO

Social Media Marketing

Affiliate Marketing         

Promotional Template

Influencer Marketing

The long and winding road